[Utilities] Time Tracking Structure

Every now and again (especially when training a model), I need to have a guesstimate as to how long a "step" takes, and how long the process will take, so I wrote myself a little piece of code that does that. Because I've had the question multiple times (and because I think everyone codes their own after a while), here's mine. Feel free to use it

/// Structure that keeps track of the time it takes to complete steps, to average or estimate the remaining time
public struct TimeRecord {
    /// The number of steps to keep for averaging. 5 is a decent default, increase or decrease as needed
    /// Minimum for average is 2, obvioulsy
    public var smoothing: Int = 5 {
        didSet {
            smoothing = max(smoothing, 2) // minimum 2 values
    /// dates for the steps
    private var dates : [Date] = []
    /// formatter for debug print and/or display
    private var formatter = DateComponentsFormatter()
    public var formatterStyle : DateComponentsFormatter.UnitsStyle {
        didSet {
            formatter.allowedUnits = [.hour, .minute, .second, .nanosecond]
            formatter.unitsStyle = formatterStyle
    public init(smoothing s: Int = 5, style fs: DateComponentsFormatter.UnitsStyle = .positional) {
        smoothing = max(s, 2)
        formatterStyle = fs
        formatter = DateComponentsFormatter()
        // not available everywhere
        // formatter.allowedUnits = [.hour, .minute, .second, .nanosecond]
        formatter.allowedUnits = [.hour, .minute, .second]
        formatter.zeroFormattingBehavior = .pad
        formatter.unitsStyle = fs
    /// adds the record for a step
    /// - param d: the date of the step. If unspecified, current date is taken
    mutating func addRecord(_ d: Date? = nil) {
        if let d = d { dates.append(d) }
        else { dates.append(Date()) }
        while(dates.count > smoothing) { dates.remove(at: 0) }
    /// gives the average delta between two steps (in seconds)
    var averageDelta : Double {
        if dates.count <= 1 { return 0.0 }
        var totalTime = 0.0
        for i in 1..<dates.count {
            totalTime += dates[i].timeIntervalSince(dates[i-1])
        return totalTime/Double(dates.count)
    /// gives the average delta between two steps in human readable form
    /// - see formatterStyle for options, default is "02:46:40"
    var averageDeltaHumanReadable : String {
        let delta = averageDelta
        return formatter.string(from: delta) ?? ""
    /// given a number of remaining steps, gives an estimate of the time left on the process (in s)
    func estimatedTimeRemaining(_ steps: Int) -> Double {
        return Double(steps) * averageDelta
    /// given a number of remaining steps, gives an estimate of the time left on the process in human readable form
    /// - see formatterStyle for options, default is "02:46:40"
    func estimatedTimeRemainingHumanReadable(_ steps: Int) -> String {
        let delta = estimatedTimeRemaining(steps)
         return formatter.string(from: delta) ?? ""

When I train a model, I tend to use it that way:

// prepare model
var tt = TimeRecord()

while currentEpoch < maxEpochs {
  // train the model
  if currentEpoch > 0 && currentEpoch % 5 == 0 {
  	print(tt.averageDeltaHumanReadable + " per epoch, " 
    	+ tt.(estimatedTimeRemainingHumanReadable(maxEpochs - currentEpoch) + " remaining"